
måndag 5 november 2012




part 1

t: how can he do something like that , how can he takes my baby from me, what have happened? that he opened this case, i don't understand, it's like i told him you won't see the baby, what's this nonsense
a: what ever this man does is nonsense, it isn't something new
t: i know what is his problem, when i said that i will raise my son here with you, he was also like that about the identity 
card, like i was going to extract the identity card and write another name, the person calls, since you decided to open a case, first come let's talk , is it like this he informs me
a: okay the case is opened now, but it isn't that easy to take the baby from you, look it will be tough
a: look, of course he trusts his money
n: what we was afraid about it happened, what're we gonna do now
a: what're we gonna do is being with toprak and we gonna fight till the end
t: i won't give you , i won't give you to anyone, please help me GOD
n: don't do like that, we will find a solution for sure
t: how we will find sister, i can't stand here like that, i will call çinar
n: first try to be calm, so it won't be worse
t: for god sake! what would be more worse than this, he have to explain to me why he did that, he have to answer me
n: you know
t: kaan is hungry but i don't know what to do, or my milk was cut
n: always the bad thing comes to your mind, look after 2 min
t: he came and everything come one after another
n: don't worry, the doctor said that we can give.............
t: yes he said but
n: there is no but, toprak don't call çinar anymore, calm down everything will be good
t: he finishes it
n: yes
t: you was hungry this is why you didn't stop crying, for sure my milk was cut
n: it won't work like this, neither you nor the baby are in peace, call your friend to know what we have to do, the lawyer
t: you're right
o: hi toprak , how are you
t: thanks, not bad , and you
o: i'm good and i'm going for a vacation
t: yeah
o: by the way, congratulation for your baby
t: thank you, okan i need your help
o: I hope nothing is wrong
t: çinar opened a custody case
o: a custody case
t: okan please help me
o: i can't toprak , i'm sorry
t: yes, but why
o: i got married with reyhan today
t: ahh , congratulation for you two
o: thanks, now it isn't right to take the case, because i'm now a member of the family
t: i understand
o: but don't worry, i will send you to a good lawyer he is my friend
t: if it was you, it was better, i say to talk to çinar but he doesn't answer
o: don't panic that much , it isn't easy to split a baby from his mother while he is so small
t: i'm so scared
o: i understand , i understand, i will send you his phone number, his name murat....he is a very good lawyer
t: okay , thank you, what will i do , okan can't take the case
n: why
t: okan got married to reyhan and it isn't right
n: what did he say
t: he send me to another lawyer
n: it's okay
t: if it's okan i will pay him slowly, now what can i do , i can't

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